Lucrative Sponsorship Opportunities Available at IFSA Global EXPO

Elevate your brand’s visibility and expand your network with us at IFSA Global EXPO. With exclusive and unique sponsorship packages, we offer unparalleled avenues to showcase your brand to a global audience.

Featured sponsorship opportunities include:

Registration Desk

Secure your brand’s​ exposure from the moment​ attendees check in! Includes: Branding on the registration desk kick panel (with option for QR code); opportunity to distribute promo items.

Member Meeting Zone

Your brand will be prominently
featured in a high-traffic area where attendees gather to meet, network, recharge and refresh. Includes option for table drop.

Thought Leadership Video Series

Maximize your brand’s impact by sponsoring the video series, featuring up to six exclusive interviews with high-level executives from the aviation industry. Your logo will be prominently showcased in each video, along with a verbal shoutout.






Ready to reach new heights & elevate your brand?

Contact Cathy Vick, IFSA Senior Sales Director, at